Welcome Aboard!

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes

Entrepreneurship is like jumping off a cliff and learning how to build a plane on the way down.

Before even making the jump, you get the idea and you go to your friends and family and talk about it. “Mom, I’m going to go to the highest cliff around, jump off of it, and build a plane that will soar like no other. I’ll be the first-ever to do this and succeed and change history.” Chances are, you’ll think your idea is brilliant. Chances are that people will also tell you that it’s silly or an idea not worth pursuing. You think about what they said and even question your idea too for a bit. You realize there’s some truth to what they say, but you do it anyway.

You prepare yourself as well as you can to learn how to build a plane (probably, most realistically, from YouTube), go to your local supply store to get all the parts you need. You buy everything and load up your bag full of parts to assemble once you get to the cliff. And then, you build and you jump, but realize you probably missed a lot of steps and you’re falling down at the speed of breakneck speed and do your best to make all the tweaks at the stake of plummeting to the ground.

I bet, if you’re an entrepreneur, you know exactly what I mean. This very accurately describes how we all feel every day. I feel this from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep. And I’m sure all you entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs even at the cusp of beginning your journeys are beginning to feel the same. But you do it anyway.

Welcome aboard to the Fulphil Idea to Impact E-Lab! Yes, E-Lab. This is not your typical online course. We treat it like a lab, a place for building, researching, analyzing, teaching, and most importantly, experimenting. Like any experiment, you’ll test things out— you will try and fail and try again. Innovation is an iterative process. If you’re not failing, you’re probably doing something wrong. Here, there is no such thing as failure. Get that F word out of your vocabulary—there is only learning from mistakes to improve. 

If you’re not into scrappiness, this is probably not the place for you. Entrepreneurship is all about the scrappiness and the thrill of it. Everyone jumps off that cliff with uncertainty and at least a bit of ignorance. Often, you’ll have absolutely no idea what you’re doing when you’re jumping off that cliff and you won’t even realize what you’re getting yourself into. But you do it anyway for the thrill of it and hope for the best. There’s lots of uncertainty when it comes to entrepreneurship. But with that comes lots of growth and learning by doing.

Excited? So are we, let’s begin!


This curriculum was created by our dedicated Fulphil team—Joshua Kim, Aditya Desai, Brooke McCormick, Emma O'Neil, Sam Stern, Riley Gonta, and Tiffany Yau—under whom none of this would be possible.

We hope our E-Lab adds some fun to your learning journey and helps challenge you to see things not as how they are but as how they might be.


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